I’ve been very excited to share this wonderful piece by Joel Lehman and Amanda Ngo, who’ve both been thinking deeply about how to create socially beneficial AI systems that support human wellbeing for a long time. Here, they articulate a thoughtful vision of what that might look like and how we can get there. — Daniel

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Imagine yourself a decade ago, jumping directly into the present shock of conversing naturally with an encyclopedic AI that crafts images, writes code, and debates philosophy. Won’t this technology almost certainly transform society — and hasn’t AI’s impact on us so far been a mixed-bag? Thus it’s no surprise that so many conversations these days circle around an era-defining question: How do we ensure AI benefits humanity? These conversations often devolve into strident optimism or pessimism about AI, and our earnest aim is to walk a pragmatic middle path, though no doubt we will not perfectly succeed.

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